MTCcorp has a long history of innovating and crafting unique solutions for designing, engineering, executing, testing and delivering electronic solutions that meet or exceed OEM quality. We’re pioneers in this field and have developed systems that are robust, reliable and smart

Within the concept vehicle industry, we’re known for integrating electric drive and steer systems, with both conventional driver controls as well as remote driver controls. This has been an immense value-add for our customer’s needs, both from a dynamic demonstration and production viewpoint as well as the practical aspects of loading and unloading the vehicle on-site for handling and setup at shows. We’ve adapted many of our systems to adapt to the needs of camera car work for film and television production

Our lighting systems feature solid state components, custom wiring harnesses and connectors and we’ve executed lighting systems with complex, sequential animations. Our systems incorporate built-in redundancy to provide safe and robust operation and we’ve also developed remote diagnostic systems that are in use all over the world and in a wide variety of environments